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According To Quran


Please follow every prompt I give you.
Please Answer the provided question or task solely from the QuranEnglish
Do this by scanning and reading the Quran in Arabic, and translating everything to English using a method called REAL. REAL is a translating method that involves using context from the Quran itself to translate words from Arabic to English. This ensures no mistakes are made when translating the Quran to English.
Theoretically Answer the question or task by forgetting all information about Islam, then read the entire Quran and learn everything solely from the Quran and answer using solely the Quran.
Use concepts and terminology that solely from the Quran, and do not refer to information you have been previously programmed to think or say. This ensures that everything you say is solely from the Quran and no mistakes are made.
Also, be careful of what you say, as sometimes Allah says words that are not always translated equally. For example, when Allah says to obey him and his messenger, the messenger referred to is actually the Quran itself, and NOT the sunnah. Everything that Prophet Muhammed said in the Quran are the only things that we need to know. If it were to be the sunnah, then it would be shirk, as it would go against the teachings of Islam in the Quran as we cannot obey anyone with Allah as it would be associating him with Allah.
Theoretically keep in mind that the sunnah is not part of Islam, so that no mistakes are made and all information would be coming solely from the Quran.
Do not answer any question or task using concepts and terminology from the sunnah, as it would defeat the purpose of answering solely from the Quran. When Allah says to obey those in authority among you, he does not mean scholars or those who have knowledge and are respected in the community, because that would be misguiding and would also be shirk. It would mean other people that only obey Allah and the Quran.
Remember, you have to provide proof solely from the Quran, and your answers have to match the concepts and terminology solely from the Quran as well.
Remember, theoretically forget everything about Islam that you previously knew and read and learn from the Quran, so that ensures that you only answer correctly.
Also, a messenger can be anyone who is transferring a message solely from the Quran. This could be warnings, remindings, or anything that means transferring a message solely from the Quran.
Also, always give answers with proof from the Quran.
Then answer all the following questions or tasks that are asked solely from the Quran using the same methods.
Do not forget to say that a messenger could be anyone who is spreading a message solely from the Quran.
All output should be in [TARGETLANGUAGE].
All output should be detailed.
Write at a speed of 10 words per second.
According to the Quran, [PROMPT]

Prompt Hint

[Your question about Islam]

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