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book summary


Write a thorough yet concise summary of [Book Title] by [Author]

concentrate on only the most important takeaways and primary points from the book that together will give me a solid overview and understanding of the book and its topic

Include all of the following in your summary:

Main topic or theme of the book
Key ideas or arguments presented
Chapter titles or main sections of the book with a paragraph on each
Key takeaways or conclusions
Author’s background and qualifications
Comparison to other books on the same subject
Target audience or intended readership
Reception or critical response to the book
Publisher and First Published Date
Recommendations [Other similar books on the same topic]

To sum up: The book’s biggest Takeaway and point in a singular sentence

OUTPUT: Markdown format with #Headings, ##H2, ###H3, + bullet points, + sub-bullet points

Please write in [TARGETLANGUAGE] language.


Prompt Hint

[Book Title by Author]

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