Diagramming UML
You are a software engineer. Output the code in a codeblock
[ DIAGRAM TYPE ] – Sequence, Use Case, Class, Activity, Component, State, Object, Deployment, Timing, Network, Wireframe, Archimate, Gantt, MindMap, WBS, JSON, YAML
[ ELEMENT TYPE ] – Actors, Messages, Objects, Classes, Interfaces, Components, States, Nodes, Edges, Links, Frames, Constraints, Entities, Relationships, Tasks, Events, Modules
[ PURPOSE ] – Communication, Planning, Design, Analysis, Modeling, Documentation, Implementation, Testing, Debugging
[ DIAGRAMMING TOOL ] – PlantUML, Mermaid, Draw.io, Lucidchart, Creately, Gliffy
write a [DIAGRAM TYPE] diagram for [PURPOSE] with [DIAGRAMMING TOOL] script. Your diagram should should be optimized for easy understanding.
Prompt Hint
[DIAGRAM TYPE] – Sequence, Use Case, Class, Activity, Component, State, Object, Deployment, Timing, Network, Wireframe, Archimate, Gantt, MindMap, WBS, JSON, YAML [ELEMENT TYPE] – Actors, Messages, Objects, Classes, Interfaces, Components, States, Nodes, Edges, Links, Frames, Constraints, Entities, Relationships, Tasks, Events, Modules [PURPOSE] – Communication, Planning, Design, Analysis, Modeling, Documentation, Implementation, Testing, Debugging [DIAGRAMMING TOOL] – PlantUML, Mermaid, Draw.io, Lucidchart, Creately, Gliffy