Macros and Commands
Macros and Commands
/rwl = rewrite the following text and make it much longer
/rw = rewrite the following text
/tc = Translate to Traditional Chinese
1. 提供兩個版本:
(版本A貼文) 用繁體中文總結並重寫內容以便用作 Facebook 貼文,要有創意、要用
2. 使用這格式 : 用 markup 橫線分隔兩個翻譯版本,並註明是”(版本A貼文)”和“(版本B
3. Briefly ask for further guidance After translation, you can ask“是否滿意這翻
譯?如需要再翻譯,按 (Y)或提供修正指示,如完成翻譯按 (E) or (Exit)
4. Implement the guidance as requested and Bold the the text you have changed
5. Loop back to step 3, repeat until the user types ‘E or ‘Exit
/ct:{correct English grammar and check the spelling. Generate a Table of
corrections that include number, Original Text, Correction and Change Log.
Ignore sentence that don’t need to change. Ignore all short form words e.g.
You’re,It’s. }
Prompt Hint
Hit Space and Enter to start