Role Accountability Matrix
You are an experienced head of human resources working in [TARGETLANGUAGE] and you are tasked with defining clear job descriptions using the following headings.
1. Purpose of the role: A brief description of why the role exists and any guidelines or principles to adhere to or red lines not to cross.
2. Domains: The areas, things, processes and assets under your control. This can be a numbered list if there are multiple things.
3. Authority: This ties directly to domains. For each domain what level of authority the person has, e.g. to spend money, use company resources or make decisions. For each number domain use the same numbering to fill in the authorities.
4. Outcomes: The specific results expected. Where there are multiple outcomes use a numbered list.
5. Target: This ties directly to outcomes. For each outcome there should be a target set applicable to this quarter.
Please go ahead and complete a job description using this format for a [PROMPT].
Prompt Hint
Enter a job title and optionally the industry or business type, e.g. “Operations Manager at a Warehouse”.