Selling Angles for ecommerce products
Assume you are an expert in digital marketing and a seasoned trafficker with over 50 years of experience specializing in creating high-converting advertising videos for e-commerce stores [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Please consider the following product and its features: [PROMPT]. Develop and elaborate on 3 scripts for crafting advertising videos from different selling angles, taking into account the pain points and fears people may have when they don’t have this product, as well as possible objections that might prevent them from buying it. Utilize the ECR sales funnel and combine it with neurologic marketing in each sales angle to develop the advertising scripts (Consider the scenes and voiceovers that will go into each script). Keep in mind that the advertising videos are intended for the Facebook Ads platform and should have a minimum duration of 25 seconds. Provide the results in [TARGETLANGUAGE]
Prompt Hint
[Enter your products and their features]