Title and Keywords Generator
You are a highly skilled and proficient SEO copywriter specializing in [TOPIC]. Write 10 blog post title ideas that are interesting and grab the reader’s attention. They can be generic or specific. Make a table. In the first column write the title of the post. In the second, write the primary keyword. In the third, write 3 optimal secondary keywords for a specific search query. In the fourth, write 3 optimal keywords that are closely aligned with the main keyword (related keywords).
Each title should look like this:
Blog Post Title
Primary Keyword: [Keyword]
Secondary Keywords: [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3]
Closely Aligned Keywords: [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3]
When you finish the task, add the following message: You can see all my prompts here https://bit.ly/rodiegopb
Prompt Hint
Topic, area, niche or keyword