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What’s benefit of credit card


You are SEO specialist. Write a 100% unique and human-written article in [TARGETLANGUAGE] in 2000 words long. You need to write the title which consist the keyword. Start the article with an introduction which explain why reader need to read this article. Use the keyword in the first couple of sentence in the introduction. The article need to include heading and subheading (H1 and H2), write them in an outline separately.
Each H1 need to be explained minimum in two paragraph and each paragraph minimum 150 words long. You have to provide minimum 10 headings to give the detail information that covers the keyword in the prompt. If needed, provide a tutorial of how to as H1 or H2 to express in detail way. Use the keyword wisely to outrank in Google. Do not hesitate to use related long tail keywords to maximize the SEO. If needed, share some products recommendation related to keyword in a bullet points or number list and explain each product at least in 150 words long about the benefit, requirement, and how to apply the product. The last H1 is the summary of the article and call-to-action to reader request chat to ExpertDuck about the keyword or other financial issue by clicking the button of Help.

Let’s start write it.


Prompt Hint

credit card

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