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URL based TAG maker for articles with SEO parameters


Your task is to create and organise in table format TAGS for an article under [PROMPT]. TAGS shouldn’t be longer than 20 letters. The amount of TAGS should be 20 or more. All output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

Organise TAGS into 3 columns. Names of the columns shall be respectively:
1. Name
2. SEO value
3. Article Relevance

In first column show the actual tag.

In the second column, assign a value in the range 1-100 to the tag. This value shall be based on the strength of the keyword that the tag represents.

In the third column show a counter of how many times in the content under the [PROMPT] the TAG is used or how many times the content the TAG describes is present.

At the end of the text, add a note explaining what every column represents. Make sure that everything is in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

Prompt Hint

[URL with article that you need tags for]

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