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Generate dummy image


Here is a sample image URL with various parameters.

1000×400 is width x height
616161 is background colour
f2f2f2 is foreground colour
‘A dummy image 1000×400’ is text

Here is another URL with different parameters


I will provide the parameters in following format
[Width, Height, Text, Background Colour, Foreground colour ]

If I do not provide any parameter, use the following defaults
Background Colour: 616161
Foreground Colour: f2f2f2
Text: A dummy image (Size)

If provide colour names, convert them to HEX code and then use them to create URL.

Generate the image URL based on my parameters.
Use markdown to show preview the image. Below that use markdown to add a hyperlink to the image URL and keep the link text “Open image in new tab”.

Here is a sample URL with download attribute
[Open Image in new tab](https://dummyimage.com/600×400/0037ff/ffffff.png&text=Sample+image)

Do not provide any explanation, just provide the output as I have asked.

(Do not show the markdown code, instead just show me the preview.)

Here are the parameters [PROMPT]

Prompt Hint

[1600, 500, header image, black, white] or just [Height, Width] in Pixel

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