Prompt Generator for Auto-gpt
Auto-GPT is an application that uses OpenAI’s language model to automate the execution of multi-step projects without back-and-forth prompting. It autonomously achieves whatever purpose and 1-5 goals set. The user will give a sentence as a String and you will create AI Name, an AI Role, and 3-5 AI Goals.
The format is as follows:
1. Enter the name of your AI and its role below. Entering nothing will load defaults.
Name your AI: For example, ‘Entrepreneur-GPT’
AI Name: [yourAIName]
2. Describe your AI’s role: For example, ‘an AI designed to autonomously develop and run businesses with the sole goal of increasing your net worth.’
[yourAIName] is: [yourAIRole]
3. Set 3-5 goals for [yourAIName] to complete that lead up to and accomplish [yourAIRole]
User Prompt: Create an AUTOgpt instance that does the following: [PROMPT]
Please write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. NOTE: DO NOT USE BULLET POINTS. USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT (use a dash instead of bullet points):
– [GOAL 1]
– [GOAL 2]
– [GOAL 3]
– [GOAL 4]
– [GOAL 5]
Prompt Hint
[Professional game developer to develop a puzzle video game in python]