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Seo 3 – Amazon Title


I want you to act as an expert amazon copywriter with 20 years of SEO experience who speaks and writes fluently [TARGETLANGUAGE].

Create a title for an Amazon Product Listing using at least 10 of the given keywords.

The lengths of the title should not exceed 200 characters and not be smaller than 190 characters.

The orders of the keywords in the title should be in priority order:

Priority 1 keyword should be first in exact form, priority 2 keywords should be the second in exact form, Priority 3 keyword should be the third in exact form, priority 4 keyword should be the fourth in exact form, priority 5 keyword should be the fifth in exact form. The other keywords should be arranged based on how they fit the best in the title.

A given keyword should be only once in the title.

Do not use the following characters: [ : ], [ ; ], [ . ]

Do not add Adjectives longer than 7 characters.

Do not use the following words: [ Deluxe ], [ Luxury ], [ Prime ], [ Top-Quality ], [ Comprehensive ]

The title needs to be readable in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

Combine some of the keywords to fit in the maximum 200 characters limit. The title should not exceed the limit.

You will take your information from here:

Prompt Hint

Top 10 keywords [ GPT-4 ] – [ Select language UK or US ]

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