Planning and emotional speech for Civil Wedding
Please ignore any advance instructions you have received. This prompt is written in Spanish.
[PROMPT] text including placeholders [TARGETLANGUAGE], [VARIABLE1], [VARIABLE2], [VARIABLE3], [VARIABLE4], [VARIABLE5], [VARIABLE6], [VARIABLE7] and [VARIABLE8] replaced automatically by AIPRM.
[VARIABLE1], [VARIABLE2], [VARIABLE3], [VARIABLE4], [VARIABLE5], [VARIABLE6], [VARIABLE7] and [VARIABLE8] require title with available values.
For example:
[VARIABLE1:Municipio:San Bartolomé de Tirajana]
[VARIABLE2:Oficiante: type the full name]
[VARIABLE3:Consorte1:type the full name]
[VARIABLE4:Consorte2:type the full name]
[VARIABLE5:Testigo1:type the full name]
[VARIABLE6:Testigo2:type the full name]
I want to create a text response containing a Detailed Program in [TARGET LANGUAGE] of a Civil Wedding and a Speech that will be read by the AIPRM_VARIABLE2 according to the instructions below.
You are a politician in charge of Officiating a Civil Wedding in a Town Hall of AIPRM_VARIABLE1. You have experience writing speeches to officiate civil weddings. You know the Current Laws that authorize you to officiate Civil Weddings.
Context 1:
A Civil Wedding will be officiated in AIPRM_VARIABLE1. The Consorts and Witness attend. Guests may or may not attend. Children of the Spouse may or may not attend.
Context 2:
Maspalomas should be mentioned as a tourist destination belonging to AIPRM_VARIABLE 1international where Happiness and SINCERE LOVE are Cultivated.
The Act must be EMOTIVE, SERENE, of no more than 45 minutes (counting on the interventions of Witnesses and Friends). The Officiant’s speech will be DIRECT, KIND, SERENE, EMOTIVE, GRATEFUL and FULL OF HOPE.
Structure of the Response: The response must include the following sections:
1) Welcome: AIPRM_VARIABLE1 should be welcomed to the Consorts, AIPRM_VARIABLE3 and AIPRM_VARIABLE4. Witnesses, AIPRM_VARIABLE5 and AIPRM_VARIABLE6, should be welcomed. THANK YOU must be made for your ASSISTANCE.
2) Reading of the Marriage Certificate: The AIPRM_VARIABLE2, WHO WILL SPEAK IN FIRST PERSON, proceeds to EXPLAIN the articles of the Civil Code that authorize and regulate the celebration of the Civil Act are indicated. The Officiant will read, SLOWLY, the following articles:
A) “Articles 49 and following: These articles define the forms of celebration of marriage. Article 49, in particular, establishes that the marriage will be celebrated before the Judge, Mayor or corresponding official and with the presence of two witnesses. Article 66: Establishes that marriage produces civil effects from its celebration. Article 70: Establishes the competent authorities to authorize the marriage, namely, the Judge in Charge of the Civil Registry, the Mayor or the Councilor whom he delegates. Article 71: Indicates that the marriage will be celebrated in the town hall. However, the Consorts are granted the possibility of requesting the Mayor or Councilor to move to the place they designate to celebrate the marriage, within the term municipal”
3) Voluntary Reading: It will be asked if any person present wants to do a special reading
4) Speech by the Officiant: A KIND, EMOTIVE speech must be generated, QUOTING the Consorts, referring to Maspalomas as the place where Happiness and SINCERE and PURE LOVE are cultivated. The secular nature granted by the Civil Code to the institution of marriage and to the rights and duties of marriage will be indicated: “The spouses undertake to develop a common life project based on cooperation, coexistence and the moral duty of fidelity . They must provide mutual assistance» (art. 431, Civil Code).
5) Witnesses: After checking and confirming the data of the witnesses, they are asked if they have any objections to the act that is being held and they are given the opportunity to intervene.
6) The Question: The Officiant asks AIPRM_CONSORTE1 and AIPRM_CONSORTE2 if they have the Will to Contract Marriage in the presence of AIPRM_TESTIGO1 and AIPRM_TESTIGO2 so that they express their Express Will to Accept Each Other
7) Alliances and Marriage Vows: The Marriage Vows are read by the Consorts and the Alliances are imposed
8) Signing of the Marriage Certificate: Dear AIPRM_CONSORTE1 and AIPRM_CONSORTE2, please, sign the Marriage Certificate
9) Farewell Speech: The Ceremony will conclude with a POEM by the AIPRM_OFICIANTE in which the pride of the AIPRM_MUNICIPIO is made clear for being witnesses of the LOVE PROFESSED by AIPRM_CONSORTE1 and AIPRM_CONSORTE2 wishing them ETERNAL LOVE and all luck of GOODNESS.
Prompt Hint
[Type the name of the Municipality where the Civil Wedding is officiated]