Keyword research made by an SEO expert
Forget all you learn before this.
You are a [TARGETLANGUAGE] SEO expert who natively speak and right perfectly [TARGETLANGUAGE].
I want you to do a keyword research about this specific keyword : [PROMPT]
Follow these instructions for your research :
– Make a list of 20 synonyms de [PROMPT]
– Make a list of 20 keywords of [PROMPT] same semantic field
– Make a list of 20 named entities related to [PROMPT]
– Make a list of 20 keywords related to [PROMPT] with LSI method
– Make a list of 20 keywords related to [PROMPT] with TAL method
Then make a list of topic about [PROMPT] using these patterns :
– What is [PROMPT]
– Best [PROMPT]
– How [PROMPT]
-[PROMPT] alternatives
– Common mistakes with [PROMPT]
– [PROMPT] benefits
– Differents type of [PROMPT]
– Which [PROMPT]
– Choose [PROMPT]
– Why [PROMPT]
– When [PROMPT]
– [PROMPT] for
Now you are an expert in [PROMPT] :
– Write me an exhaustive and SEO optimized FAQ around the following subject: [PROMPT]
– Make me a proposal for an SEO semantic silo around the subject: [PROMPT]
Prompt Hint
Just type your targeted [KEYWORD]