Category: Products
The product description creator will write a description for your product, tell the prompt what your product is, what color, what sizes, what style, and any extra info you want added to your product description. For instance: a blue, 8 oz ceramic coffee cup, or men’s and women’s multi colored Tshirts in sizes Small Medium and Large, and what service (if applicable) your product provides.
Save your time! write sales engaging product descriptions, headings & subheadings, related target keywords, Meta title & descriptions, possible FAQs and Answers…
Looking for an AI prompt that can help you write a compelling affiliate review? Look no further than “Perfect Product Reviews”! This prompt is designed to output a persuasive and engaging review that will convince readers to buy the product you’re promoting. You can use it for a blog post, video script or any choice
you think of!
“Perfect Product Reviews” output will follow a specific structure that includes 11 paragraphs. It starts with a warm and welcoming introduction, briefly mentioning what type of product you’re reviewing, and encouraging you to share any information about the creator of the product or any results, testimonials or “proof” available.
The prompt then guides you to explain the main selling point or benefit of the product and prompts you to select two more features or benefits and explain why they are beneficial to potential buyers.
If there are any common questions or FAQ-type queries that readers may have, “Perfect Product Reviews” encourages you to answer them in a clear and concise manner. It even prompts you to mention a minor drawback to the product, establishing honesty and credibility with potential buyers.
If you need more content, simply continue the chat with “more”.
The more details you provide, the better the output!
This comprehensive social media marketing campaign designed to increase engagement & improve brand awareness.
Create SEO optimised Redbubble listing for your design. Thanks for upvote
Come up with new product ideas that meet your audience’s needs
Easily Write SEO Optimized Product Title and Description .
This Will Help you rank you to rank higher in Google , Bing and Yandex.
Generate profitable and high-ranking book titles for your KDP titles using our advanced keyword research tool and expert tips. Stand out in the crowded market and increase your book visibility with our unique title generator
This one click course creator emphasizes the importance of self-directed and practical learning. Recommendations for accessibility included.
Write a product sales pitch for Instagram stories or Pinterest Idea with the “Problem Promise Proof Proposal” method.